Malayalam actor Siddique has been elected as the new General Secretary (GS) of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), while actors Jagdish and R Jayan have been chosen as the new Vice-Presidents. The elections took place during the annual general body meeting held at the Sree Gokulam Convention Centre in Kochi on June 30.
South Superstar Mohanlal was re-elected as the AMMA president for the third consecutive term unopposed. Actors Unni Mukundan and Baburaj, on the other hand, have been elected the treasurer and joint secretary, respectively. The tenure of the new office-bearers is for three years i.e. from 2024 to 2027.
AMMA holds its annual conference every three years. One of the key highlights of this year’s meeting was Edavela Babu’s resignation after 25 years of service as General Secretary. Babu, who had previously stated his wish to retire, was convinced to stay on by actor Mammootty. However, this year, he confirmed his decision to step down as the leader.
Mohanlal, on the other hand, also expressed his willingness to step down from the post of president. But others wanted the Lucifer actor to continue.
Actors Kukku Parameswaran and Unni Sivapal contested against Siddique for the position of General Secretary.
The new AMMA executive members are actors Kalabhavan Shajon, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Joy Mathew, Suresh Krishna, Tini Tom, Ananya, Vinu Mohan, Tovino Thomas, Sarayu Mohan and Anseeba.
Also, after a long hiatus of 27 years, Union Minister and actor Suresh Gopi participated in the general body meeting of AMMA. Suresh Gopi arrived shortly before the end of the voting to participate in the general body meeting and cast his vote.
Mohanlal, the President of AMMA, welcomed the Union Minister on the stage with a special gift and a renewed membership card.
Following a 1997 dispute over a stage show hosted by the association in the Gulf, Gopi stayed away from AMMA. However, he attended a medical camp called ‘Unarvu’ organised by the association in 2022.
Apart from this, in a historic success, Suresh Gopi recently emerged as the sole Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate to win a seat in Kerala in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
AMMA was formed in 1994.